Golden Star Vietnamese Restaurant has been at its location, next to Portsmouth Square (11 Walter U Lum Place, roughly Clay and Walter Lum Place, between Grant and Kearny) for a long time. And they have always delivered consistent quality pho with proper broth. One item that I recommend there, if you eat beef, is NOT the "Number One", but rather, their beef stew pho, which is number 24 (if I remember correctly). The beef has been stewed for a long time, with proper amount of tendons and pretty much falls apart as you poke it with your chopstick, and almost melts in your mouth. The broth is VERY flavorful, and obviously very different from your normal pho broth. Even with a can of soda, it's well under $20. when I don't want roast pork, I'd go here. You can definitely try the Number One, but every pho place has the number one, and there is almost no difference among them anymore, other than the broth. The main problem with this place is they are only open from 1...
An exploration of San Francisco Chinatown typically NOT covered by tours